Kinshasa is a megacity with some twelve million inhabitants but barely any art market or art support. Local artists have thus developed creative, DIY solutions to make the best of the materials available around them
Despite a theme anchored in digital media, the event doesn’t have the ambition to be a new media art exhibition but a contemporary art event that explores the many ways technology challenges society today
The artists invited by curator Katerina Gregos investigate change. In particular, how change, because of its relentless speed and much proclaimed inevitability, seems to escape robust critical scrutiny
A series of artworks in a disused biology faculty in Riga make the Anthropocene disturbingly palpable
A VR-essay and performance reminds us that organising information is never innocent and that we shouldn’t trust a Silicon Valley giant with its archiving, exhibiting and mapping
The exhibition not only presents artifacts and information about tattoos in Japan, Pacific Ocean and in the South East of Asia through history but it also makes them dialogue with bikers, Russian and Italian criminals, the skin-heads, the Hollywood movies and Delvoye’s tattooed pigs
The history of energy is neither linear nor Darwinian. It is full of forgotten fantastic innovations…
DocLab Expo: Humanoid Cookbook offered the usual menu of interactive documentaries, VR cinema, performances and interactive experiments but with an extra edge of AI creativity and a bit of culinary action
The exhibition gives a broad and ambitious overview of online art developed in America since 1994 while also trying to ponder upon the form and meaning of arts that dematerialize
How live art has developed in the 21st century as a visual medium, a global language and a political force
Hong Kong Soup: 1826, a selection of the debris which escapes recycling or landfill and ends up in the sea and washed up on beaches
The exhibition “John Walter: CAPSID” at HOME in Manchester mixes animation, paintings, textile craft, humour and pop culture to investigate the complexities of virology and the spread of deadly infection
Artist Quentin Destieu attempted to reconquer the knowledge surrounding the first microprocessor by re-creating and magnifying the inner architecture of Intel’s 4004 processor
What do outer space capsules, submarines, and office buildings have in common? Each is conceived as a closed system: a self-sustaining physical environment demarcated from its surroundings by a boundary that does not allow for the transfer of matter or energy
The artists and designer is interested the often invisible political nature of spaces and technologies, and how the design of the ordinary is involved in shaping values, practices and ideologies
A global overview of how contemporary artists incorporate text and the written word into work that speaks to some of the most pressing issues of the 21st century
Enter The New Newsroom where journalists, technologists, artists and designers investigate innovative formats, analyse the news and present their findings in stimulating visuals and installations
We’ve all been following the debates around the impact that AI is having on art and on the specificity of human creativity. But does art have a voice when it comes to understanding and shaping AI?
The essays focus on future fictions in art and design from different perspectives: future fictions and imagination in creative practices, future literacy and future ethics
SulSolSal’s Staying Alive is part a “wunderkammer,” and part a survival guide that collects some of the most interesting or tongue-in-cheek attempts to respond to the ongoing climate of impending doom
Media historian and artist Kristen Gallerneaux weaves a literary mix tape that explores the entwined boundaries between sound, material culture, landscape and esoteric belief
An installation of 3Dp printed babies, by Pinar Yoldas, considers the societal impact of a gene editing tool that might in the future allow some of us to tweak human DNA and ‘play god’ with future generations of children
Surveillance and censorship are mutually dependent; they cannot be viewed separately
In the streets of Istanbul, people improvise repairs, upgrades and improvements with craft, any cheap material available and a lot of ingenuity. It might not looks very sophisticated but it’s fast, smart and efficient
Hybrid war, fake-news, post-trough, surveillance, immersion and artificial intelligence – these are just a few of critical topics that were discussed and explored during this year’s RIXC Festival
I talked with artist and designer Xandra van der Eijk about space mining without the need to leave the Earth and about controlling or being controlled by microorganisms
Gracie’s experimental breeding programme aims to gradually recreate, in an enclosed habitat, the atmospheric conditions found on Titan and make sure that the common fly would slowly acclimate to it
National parks, reserves and other forms of sanctuarization of nature are often adopted as a measure to protect territories from the detrimental impact of human activity. This exhibition brought together artists whose work invites us to re-examine our relationship with the natural world
Hutchison’s artworks include canvases involving BOTH an investment banker and an Occupy protestor, an exhibition orchestrated by members of the Sapporo Police Department, a video starring employees of a peanut factory without peanuts and a series of consumer goods that explore the (possible) “well-meaning dictatorship” of design
French artistic duo Art Orienté Objet attempted to save one of the earliest forms of life on earth from environmental disaster
“Arriba!” is a cocoa plant shipped from the Ecuador Amazonian rainforest, enclosed inside a temperature-controlled container and displayed on top of an Antarctic glacier
The book documents creative strategies by artists, fashion designers and other media users to become virtually faceless for aesthetic, fetishist or resistance purposes
Poised between cartographical fact and maritime fiction, phantom islands haunted seafarers’ maps for hundreds of years, inspiring legends and counterfactual histories. Phantom Islands – A Sonic Atlas interprets these imaginations
In a world dominated by the visual, could contemporary resistances be auditory?
A sound work in which three anthropomorphised ‘trees’ personify the different kinds of work trees are required to do in contemporary society
An exhibition at the Parco Arte Vivente, Turin’s experimental centre for Living Arts, aims to offer new perspectives and lines of inquiry about the Anthropocene
Artists Andrea Roe and Cath Keay collaborated with animal behaviour experts to create toys and playful experiences for farmed pigs
The book “combines artistic explorations, biological theories and perspectives from the social realm” to investigate how the current economic model could be reshaped
Stéphane Degoutin and Gwenola Wagon have investigated and condensed the schizophrenia of international airports in performances, research and more recently in a book
LIFE SPORT sells grey sweatpants at a reasonable price to anyone in need of a leisure item. The artists then invest the money earned in exhibitions they organize with other artists