50s pulp fiction-style images as a way to exposes the insecurities and fears of a society struggling to come to terms with its past and its present
Jose Luis de Vicente invited Manuel Lima from Visual Complexity as well as the ueber-talented Santiago Ortiz and Aaron Koblin to discuss the beauty of data
Get a free pass to Mediabistro Circus and send your proposals for the upcoming Conflux festival
For the 500.000 Chinese who have emigrated to the ‘dark continent’ there is the promise of a 21st century Wild West. Some have struck gold and run large conglomerates that span whole regions of Africa, others are still selling cheap goods on the burning hot roadsides of the poorest countries in the world
Daphne Dragona about the relationship (or lack thereof) between commercial and art games, the distinction between game and play
The designer and artist talked about his sources of inspiration, latest works, favourite Malaysian tourist spots, crazy hotel carpets and his new fondness for random assistants
I talked with the director of a documentary which explores the life of young people in China who earn a living by playing online games for 10 to 12 hours a day, and produce virtual goods which are sold to richer gamers all over the world for real money.
A robot is dreaming, others are struggling to make a decision, an elevator appears to be self-aware and a vintage radio relentlessly searches for God. Welcome to the world of Fernando Orellana
In her installation and book, Ines Doujak criticizes the way multinational corporations reap profits by taking out patents on indigenous plants, food, knowledge, even human tissues from developing countries and turn them into lucrative products. Without sharing the benefits with the country of origin
Wooden boxes that deliver Situation(ist) quotes, order you to bring them to their friends upstairs within 30 seconds, and treat you like delinquents or servants
Antarctica is the first complete and organic public showing of the artworks created by the artists as a result of their experience to the edge of the world
Pierre Huyghe, Joep van Lieshout, Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, Despina Papadopoulos, the Guerrilla Girls, David Adjaye, Nam Goldin speaking and discussing at Tate London
Play is being reformed and reversed; it embodies social and political acts and issues; it becomes a tool for activism; it mingles the virtual and the real; it revitalizes other disciplines; play can be misused and exploited; while stereotypes are challenged, questions are raised and different understandings are offered
Confronted by shifting densities and uncharted urban transformations, Crisis tackles the conflict between the physical limits of architectural design and the demands on the practice for an updated social relevance
Eric Rodenbeck, founder and creative director of Stamen Design talks data visualization and urban space
A video commentary on the banality of warfare, the fine line that separates authoritarian control from abuse of power and the ease with which society is incorporated into the mechanisms of institutional violence
Humanity made even more upsetting and menacing than ever through the innocent magic of plasticine
A Dutch fashion designer inspired by prosthetic technology, fetishism, genetic manipulation and animals
There’s art in Second Life, it just took me a couple of years to realize it
A collective exhibition currently running in Brussels features a unique collection of digital artworks created by internationally known new media artists, and coming from galleries and collections from around the world
Three independent curators from china offer a critical reflection on the ‘China phenomenon’, the current cultural production and on the impact it has on the international art system
and it is dedicated to new media art in China. Hurray!
An exhibition in Berlin examines how contemporary artists around the world re-invent the image we might have of Asia and the way in which the post-colonial production of knowledge is challenging Euro-centric concepts of art
A video of Casey Reas’ talk last week and some goodies from theverymany
All the videos of the VIDA competition winning artworks that were produced with or commented on artificial life technologies
Casastristes.org explores housing problems in Spain. Its objective is to serve as an information and resources exchange platform in line with the Web 2.0 spirit
10 maps and 10 essays about social issues from globalization to garbage; surveillance to extraordinary rendition; statelessness to visibility; deportation to migration
Sightseeing of an exhibition which presents works from 30 artists depicting and commenting on various phenomena influenced by the continually growing tourist industry
Kate’s quirky design, fashion, performative and space projects focus on the body, its habits, movements, and the dynamic sectional relationship to its surrounding structures
Innovationsforum, which took place last year, invited a stellar cast of interaction design thinkers and practitioners to discuss the many aspects of interface and interaction design
Mostly architecture dealing with border issues or unsolicited actions
Goth – Reality of the Departed World introduced goth / gothic in contemporary art through approximately 250 works. Vicente Gutierrez reports
A short video that documents Brandon Ballengee’s research into amphibian declines and deformities
Instead of hand-embroidered tapestries, sewed by skilled craftsmen/craftswomen, Margret Eicher’s tapestries are refined industrial products, woven by a computer
An exhibition of artworks which makes more tangible the contradictions and responsibilities that we encounter personally and as a society, giving the public the possibility of broadening and analyzing our perceptions and actions
The uses of satellite technologies that emerge from state-sponsored espionage but also media art & activism
Videos, models, original drawings, inflatables from a group of experimental architects and critical artists who had more stamina and attitude than the Rolling Stones themselves
LABoral in Gijon offers residencies for artists and curators and Medialab Prado is preparing the next edition of their successful Interactivos? workshops
Marisa’s work combine performance, video, sound, drawing, and installation to address intersections of pop culture and the cultural history of technology, as they effect the voice, power, and persona
An exhibition of media art works which invites us to consider the brain as a site for interpretation, for scientific and philosophical debates, for examining our relationship to the world – and for questioning our common sense.