Bench’Mark is a project inspired from street culture and street art. It is a piece of public seating, […]
Wonderful music by Miles Davis for a great movie by Louis Malle. Via Bibi’s Box.
R*Emote Mirror is a pair of networked interactive lighting installations that creates communication between isolated people in urban […]
Bought beloved Icon at the Centre Pompidou. Read it in bed yesterday. Wonderful surprise. Thank you, thank you!
I Ching (or the ‘Book of Changes’) is the most widely read of the five Chinese Classics. In […]
(fly)light, by Pearl Chen, is an animated orb of green LEDS. Modular and lightweight, it was designed to […]
Delay Phone, by Ryota Kuwakubo, is a video phone system that allows users to intentionally increase or decrease […]
Gen-pets, by Canadian sculptor Adam Brandejs, consists of 19 plastic packages hung by hooks within a mock store […]
The work of Mieke Driessen brightened my day. Via
California-based Squid Labs has developed a high-tech rope that senses its own load and signals any weakness, sending […]
The Fargo Rug is a “rug that mistook itself for a landscape.” Inspired by the shape of snow […]
Government posters from the golden era of poster production between the early 1950s and 1980s. Via Bibi’s Box.
Another installation using “programmable shadows” was created by Azusa Saito. It’s called Itokageboushi, meaning something like a “string […]
R/V is an installation by Ryota Kuwakubo, which uses mobile robots equipped with LCD monitors, CCD cameras, microphones, […]
Henrin, developed by Masaru Tabei and Yuria Terada, is a collection of CD-Rs that contains the life of […]
I’m going to Belgium and France for a few days. Won’t update the blog much: just some very […]
Harada Keigo explains how she got the idea for Phone to Heaven: “I was very close to my […]
28 amazing Blaxploitation radio ads. Via Bedazzled and Bello Pubico.
In Sock Puppet Theatre, the puppets change the digital environment based on their physical interaction, opening up the […]
Virtual Canoe is a real-time water simulator with a database of 3D fluid dynamics. The system introduces realistic […]
The “Dutch Delights” ceramic dildos are decorated with traditional motives and can be filled with hot water and […]
Moving Pictures : Looking Out! Looking In! is a multi-user system that invites kids to create manipulate and […]
Nick Constantinou‘s Tremor tactile music sleeve is a piece of clubwear that allows the user to “feel” the […]
MIT researchers have designed a nanoparticle that can burrow into a tumor, seal the exits and detonate a […]
Part of Daniel Rozin‘s Software Mirrors series (when a viewer stands in front of a mirror, their image […]
I had previously reported on Paddy Hartley’s Face Corset. Scan has many pictures in an article written by […]
Radar Men from the Moon was the first serial starring Commando Cody, a civilian researcher whose mission is […]
In the children’s game Red Light, Green Light, you are the traffic cop and the others are trying […]
With Maximilian’s Pet Shop, designers Ella Kilgour (see her Declic shoes) and Katie Higgs intend to change the […]
The Ambient Experience suite uses Philips’ electronics to create a patient-friendly environment for children undergoing medical scans. Featuring […]
A robot built to explore disaster sites traverses rubble by jumping, tumbling and rolling. The Leg-in-Rotor V, built […]
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute researchers are developing a tiny heat spreader to be used in a new device to […]
Say you’re at a big event, if the Eventphone DECT phone system is in place, just bring a […]
Ian, the guy behind I Like Drawing, has taken his pens to the street to draw on rubbish. […]
Dedicated to Monika. Congrats for your presentation! Sauerkraut Polka, by Gus Backus. Via A Best Truth.
The Zig Zag Musig Block is a three-block-structured visual music toy. Blocks are working as the sound controller […]
First time i’m jealous of babywear . By Catalina and Maria, from madelove.
Streetclock , by 3eyes, encourages people to consider the idea of time before digital technologies became pervasive. Shadows […]
Peter D’Alessandro‘s Magnetic Mixer is a concept for a kitchen work surface and mixer. The work surface is […]
Stickers used for labels on bags of marijuana. Via Newstoday.