Kumao’s performative technologies generate artistic spectacles in order to visualize the unseen: psychological states, emotions, compulsions, thinking patterns, and dreams
Some of my favourite artists, activists and architects were in Barcelona for an amazing conference. And where was i that week?
In her installation and book, Ines Doujak criticizes the way multinational corporations reap profits by taking out patents on indigenous plants, food, knowledge, even human tissues from developing countries and turn them into lucrative products. Without sharing the benefits with the country of origin
Antarctica is the first complete and organic public showing of the artworks created by the artists as a result of their experience to the edge of the world
10 maps and 10 essays about social issues from globalization to garbage; surveillance to extraordinary rendition; statelessness to visibility; deportation to migration
An exhibition of artworks which makes more tangible the contradictions and responsibilities that we encounter personally and as a society, giving the public the possibility of broadening and analyzing our perceptions and actions
The uses of satellite technologies that emerge from state-sponsored espionage but also media art & activism
Videos, models, original drawings, inflatables from a group of experimental architects and critical artists who had more stamina and attitude than the Rolling Stones themselves
Black-bag operations and cultural jam services improving corporate advertisement since 1977.
When i interviewed Wafaa about his latest art work last week, i had no idea his project would be censored and his view silenced
Featuring Critical Art Ensemble’s video Immolation and The Office of Experiments investigation into truth serums
Under its motto CONSPIRE…, transmediale.08 seeked to examine dubious worlds of story telling and remote opinion making, to look critically at the means of creative conspiratorial strategies, and use these to uncover new forms of expression and digital discourse.
A conversation with hackitectura.net about new ways of using “situation rooms” to empower the action of social networks, rather than central powers. “How could situation rooms enhance distributed control? How could they be used to generate socially useful knowledge and to increase coordination between social movements?”
Subversive sand castle, chroma key protest, exercises in body aesthetics, machines for capturing light animations, “world leaders” workshops in primary schools, etc.
How the Black World, a world of the world of classified programs, projects, and places, whose outlines, even existence, are deeply-held secrets by the military, leaves traces.
Being aware of the current environmental crisis doesn’t mean being able to comprehend its extent and complexity. A few words with Brooke Singer and Michael Mandiberg
Cat Mazza, the founder of microRevolt, develops projects which combine knitting with machines, and digital social networks to investigate and initiate discussion about sweatshop labour.
Alessandro Ludovico is a media critic and editor in chief of Neural magazine. He also collaborate on art projects which have toured the world such as Amazon Noir and Google Eat Itself.
The exhibition presents artistic projects founded on progressive ecological models. Besides, the show examines the role of art and new media over and above science, technology, and ecoactivism
A Spanish language portal proposes a vote in the US presidential elections for the millions of (il)legal Mexicans who currently live and work in the United States
A low profile (that’s their words) artist group whose work focuses on the research and creation of open-source minor architectures and low-tech modifications of everyday life
As part of the exhibition on Apartheid, the courtyard of CCCB in Barcelona is occupied by a thought-provoking […]
My notes from Natalie Jeremijenko‘s talk at the New Cultural Networks conference, a one day event organized in […]
Survival Mosque is a kit containing elements for the self protection of Muslims living in the USA today: […]
Robert Ransick has completed a 6 month Residency at Eyebeam developing Casa Segura (Safe House). The artwork combines […]
Messy notes from the fascinating talk that Tatiana Bazzichelli gave at City of Women, a festival running until […]
One of the highlights of the Goodbye Privacy symposium at ars electronica was a talk given by Graham […]
I need a little break from my ars electronica/conflux/china reports so i´m going to take it right now […]
Filmmaker Manu Luksch had a talk about and an installation of her project Manifesto for CCTV Filmmakers at […]
Ars electronica symposium “Goodbye Privacy” ended yesterday afternoon. I only attended the last day of the talk but […]
The Nordic Pavilion hosts the work of artists from Finland, Norway and Sweden. This year, the focus is […]
I knew Jenny Holzer as the artist whose light light projections sex up the facade of the Palazzo […]
The Port Huron Project is a series of reenactments of protest speeches from the New Left movements of […]
I’m now spending a week in a super boring city. That’s the best way i found to catch […]
Mario Klingemann seems like a cheerful guy from Munich but is actually a heavyweight of the Flash-scene and […]
Carolina Pino‘s Shellhouse, a Collapsible Cardboard Shelters Using Radio Devices for Homeless Persons, comments on the promise of […]
Last week in Oslo, i attended a very inspiring talk that Tom Igoe gave at the Oslo School […]