
In this episode, Nora Al-Badri talks about decolonisation, repatriation of cultural artefacts and why she used deepfake to make the directors of important Western museums admit “the truth about imperial plunder—confessing their crimes, speaking about healing, restitution, shame, or art as critical knowledge”

While acknowledging the potential of some AI, AI Snake Oil uncovers misleading claims about the capabilities of AI and describes the serious harms AI is already causing in how it’s being built, marketed and used in areas such as education, medicine, hiring, banking, insurance and criminal justice.

War does not only manifest itself as a military conflict on battlefields with clear physical fronts, but it also appears more abstractly in our society in various places. I Died 22 Times shows and questions the way our culture deals with warfare outside real battlefields

Photography and video games are products of the industrial, military and ideological apparatus of the West and embody its cultural biases. Both are characterised by the presence of a code, which conditions the user’s freedom, and by the link with exploitation processes typical of late capitalism that monetise the investment of time and energy of players/photographers. Playing then becomes an act of exploration, deconstruction and negotiation…