Presentation of SAT (Montreal)

Martin Chatrand, Director of SAT and R&D presented SAT in Montreal (Quebec) a transdisciplinary centre focussing on the creation of new tools to answer the artists creative needs.

So far they’ve developped a series of software that anybody can download for free so that any community can benefit from their research and hopefully contribute to it later.

He briefly introduced nSLAM, pixelTANGO, teleCHACHA (which is here in Art Futura to allow visitors to try telepresence activities, sit down and speak with other people in direct from Montreal), lightTWIST.

The next project for SAT is to put all these application in a single dome and tour the world to present them.


On Saturday, they present “Pheromones”, an installation that will connects thanks to optical fiber network the Mercat de les Flors here in Barcelona ant the head office of the SAT in Montreal to share music and images generated on both side of the planet, by means of 8 audio channels and immersive multiscreens.