A service to help you manage lies

RCA show, IV.

Everyone of us tells lies, it seems to be unavoidable. But as time passes and more lies are told, the risk to say something that unveils the truth of this is getting bigger. This would mean embarrassement and a collapse of personal credibility.
So Angus Chan has imagined a service that would give you constant reminders in accordance to your daily schedule.

First you have to provide the True.Lies service with a record of your lies and your daily schedule. They catgorise and store the lies on a computer database. As they monitor your schedule and your record of lies, constant reminders are sent to you at the appropriate time through post, email, SMS, cash machines, phone booths, etc. to let you know the record of lies you have already made to the people you’re about to meet. Therefore avoiding any embarrassement.

21888714_6b1ee48ef9_m.jpgTrue.Lies is not meant to encourage dishonesty but to lubricate relationships. In order to foster honesty, the project includes the Pinocchio Phone: the more lies you tell, the longer the phone gets and the less privacy you have.