
A recent study showed that thin people are on their feet an average of 152 more minutes a day than couch potatoes. So Dr. James Levine and other researchers of NEAT (non-exercise activity thermogenesis), at the a Mayo Clinic, have found a way to make us burn more calories while at the office: the “ultimate office makeover,” a new system that would allow us to use the computer while walking on a treadmill and talk business while walking laps on a track.


The new workstations combine a computer, desk and treadmill into one unit. The speed of the treadmill-workstation is slow enough to avoid breaking a sweat but fast enough to burn an extra 100 calories per hour. The team also put a carpeted track around the perimeter of their new 5,000-square-foot space. They made walls out of magnetic marker boards so they can stand up while developing project ideas.

They also used black tape to mark a hockey net on the wall behind Levine’s treadmill so they can fire lightweight plastic pucks at the goal while talking to him.

Though the treadmill-workstations aren’t commercially available yet, Mayo Clinic’s technology licensing people are working on that.

Via USA Today.