First Person Spam

Spam is an important factor of net traffic. To create and send out millions of electronic letters, massmailer companies often use hijacked computers, where trojans or worms do the dirty work. For First Person Spam, Malte Steiner collected the most interesting material he received and built a virtual architecture made of spam. This environment is a hell of billboards and reminds of the grassroot activities of anti advertisement agencies of the 60s.


The visual output is projected in the room and visitors can navigate through it via step switches on the floor. The technique and the asthetics are taken from the contemporary videogame industry, with its still 3D engines and first person shooter games (i.e. Doom3). It was implemented with the open source software Blender .

Players have to avoid the artificial spam creatures that are showing up on the screen. They can be defeated with blue hands reminiscent of the first VR environments.

Video: Concept + installation.

First Person Spam is part of NO FUN! – games and the gaming experience, piksel05 exhibition, at Hordaland Kunstsenter, in Bergen, October 19 – 26. Via generator.x.