Pivot, turn, watch

Follow Through
is an audio-visual artwork that has been created for the Whitney Museum of American Art‘s 5th Floor Permanent Collection galleries and is accessible to visitors on portable media players.


The project is inspired by the discrepancy the artists found between the energetic art on view in the galleries and the rather passive body language of museum visitors looking at that art. In order to go beyond the mental act of contemplating or interpreting art pieces, Follow Through invites museum-goers to engage in subtle performative acts with a tongue-in-cheek programme of sports training-type exercises complete with diagrams and easy-to-follow instructions.

By new media producer Jennifer Crowe and architect, interaction designer, and artist Scott Paterson. Co-commissioned by the Whitney Museum of American Art and Antenna Audio.

Via rhizome.
Thanks Julian!

Check also The Port, a community-driven space open and accessible to all Second Life inhabitants and potentially to all Internet users.