mlle. malaprop, the proxy server that suffers from Alzheimer

mlle. malaprop (english version) is a female proxy server affected by Alzheimer. She suffers from the first symptom of Alzheimer: aphasia, i.e. a dysfunction of the usage of language that arises from forgetting words, especially those that were learned rather late.


mlle. malaprop is very old and she only speaks German. She has forgotten all the words she learned after 1900, so she replaces every word she doesn’t know with the word in her mind that is most similar to it. The basis for her word memory is the first edition of the dictionary of the German language by Konrad Duden, published in 1880. All the words that are not featured in it are lost to mlle. malaprop.

Her malapropistic anachronistic method of filling the blanks of her mental dictionary is achieved by an algorithm that replaces every word of a website that cannot be found in the Duden dictionary of 1880 by one that is featured in it and that is similar in an orthographic, phonetic or morphologic way.

By Sascha Brossmannand Thomas Goldstrasz.