Sonic properties of GM potatoes

You Say Potatoe, I say Potato. In this study of the sonic properties of Genetically Modified potatoes, two research groups try to answer this crucial question: GM potatoes, they may be good for our stomachs, but are they good for our ears?


Competing performers decked out in lab coats and safety gear, utilize their respective choice (GM or Organic potatoes) and a set of scientific and culinary tools to explore the sonic properties of potatoes.

The potatoes are used as a power source for the performance by supplying conventional potato battery power. Using zinc (galvanized nails) and copper (thick wire), each potato generates .5 to 1 volt. The individual potatoes can be linked together in serial or parallel to increase voltage and/or amperage.

The potato batteries power circuits that generate square waves with varying frequency and intensity depending on the voltage and amperage drawn from the potatoes, which is controlled by the performers by manipulating the battery configuration on the fly. Piezo contact mics are used to process physical interaction with potatoes (i.e. slicing potatoes, grinding potatoes, peeling potatoes, boiling and frying potatoes, etc.)

No hint about the the outcome of the experiment.

By Sue Huang,
Alex Berman and David McCallum.
More potato art: Potatoes singing for Denmark.
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