Table Manners

Finding Dutch eating manners and tastes rather gross*, Japanese graduate from Design Academy Eindhoven Kuniko Maeda decided to combine these habits with the obsession for rituals and beauty related to the act of eating in her native country. Her Arcimboldo-like photographs and disturbing sculptures proposes a “fast culture” to give purpose and meaning beyond the immediate.

1233443344.jpg12niinni.jpgi-Pod case-like sandwich bag and pastami+cheese+bread tablecloth.

See also Cloaca artist Wim Delvoye‘s “mosaicsmade of slices of pastrami, ham, etc“. When these patterns are photographed from the front, they sometimes look like fragments of textiles, whereas oblique shots show lines of perspective and tend to conjure up tiled floors (via gms); Jan Fabre columns of meat; Jean-Paul Gaultier’s Pain Couture, and probably many other i’ve forgotten or have never heard of.

Via design spotter and Frame.
Related: Meat rugs and bread dress.

Just for the record*, as i’m Belgian i’m not particularly appalled by Dutch eating habits (tho’ each time my father sees me eating something strange he says “t’as des gouts de Flamande!”)