Peer Pressure

peerpressure-bw.jpgAs i mentioned yesterday, the Design Interactions department at RCA leaves space for people who want to work on more traditional interaction design projects. Here’s a first example:

Peer pressure encourages us to fit in and be like everyone else. We come to develop a secondary personality for the public self, leaving the real personality only for our loved ones.

However, not everyone has the potential or enthusiasm to act through their life just to impress others. Alice Wang (whom you might remember for the buzz that her Pet Plus prototypes created last year) investigated whether products could be designed to help you create the perfect secondary personality to maximize your chance to fit in a new working environment.

The popular mobile is meant to make you look popular in public, it beeps at regular intervals to pretend you’ve just received another text messages.

When you are in your office cubicle, your colleagues often can’t see but can vaguely hear you. The fast typing keyboard is designed for those who are worried about getting laughed at about typing too slow. Just touch one or two keys and you’ll hear the sound of a multitude of letters typed at high speed.

The positive printer helps generate positive rumours about you in the office. It filters your email inbox (all you have to do is tick the bocks of the key words you want to trigger the “print” function”) and automatically prints out all your positive emails (invitation to exclusive parties, requests from the press or producers who fell in love with your new projects, etc.) When your colleagues pick up their print from the shared printer, they accidentally see your print and get the gossip going.


The double sided headphone is for people who like “embarrassing” music but who might be worried that people around them might hear it too. It plays one track inwards and one track outwards at simultaneously.

Related: Office Live and Corporate Sabotage.