Algorithmic Revolution at the ZKM (1)

Over the past 50 years, algorithmic decision-making processes have come very much to the fore as a result of the universal use of computers from architecture to music, from literature to the fine arts and from transport to management. The algorithmic revolution continues the sequencing technology that began with the development of the alphabet and has reached its temporary conclusion with the human genome project.

I visited the Algorithmic Revolution. On the History of Interactive Art exbition a couple of weeks ago. I usually see interactive art pieces at festivals. Everything is new and most of it is exciting. But here i had a different perspective: i went straight to each piece, enjoyed it, then had a look at the accompanying notice. The dates were often a bit of a shock: while some works have not aged at all, others have already lost any freshness (or maybe they’ve been copied too much).

Some of my favourite pieces:

Decorative Newsfeeds
, by Thomson & Craighead, presents up to the minute headline news from around the world as a series of pleasant animations, accompanied by the sound of data passing. Visitors can (try to) keep informed while contemplating a kind of readymade sculpture of words.

Masaki Fujihata‘s Beyond Pages which i blogged a few months ago (Images)

The Interactive Plant Growing
, by the ever-brilliant Christa Sommerer and Laurent Mignonneau, connects the growing of virtual 3D plants to real living plants. By touching the real plants or moving their hands towards them human viewers can influence and control in real time the virtual growth of 25 and more program-based plants.

Responsive Fields
, by Tobi Schneidler, is an interactive architectural model that senses and interprets the occupation of its inhabitants and users. A semi-autonomous algorithm is continuously fed by a sensory field, which influences the behavior of 5000 red agents roaming the digital space. An invisible sediment of recent digital impressions is stored, and influences future behavior if this responsive space.

To be continued…