Making memorial products emotionally relevant

Wondering how a memorial product can better help today’s bereaved to grieve and heal in the years following a death, Daniel Siden developed Memóri for his master degree at the RCA. The device recognizes that there is a wide range of funeral customers who have needs that are not being satisfied with current catalogue of memorial traditional products.


This interactive, home-based memorial object for the funeral industry lets the bereaved collect and explore the memories of all those that cared for the deceased, on their own terms and in the comfort of their own home.

Each Mémori contains a memory map composed of pictures, video, audio, and letters from entire community that cared for the deceased. This map is like a living documents that can grow with time. The intuitive interface has no buttons keys or track-pads. Interaction consists simply of tipping Mémori forward, backward, left and right to move around the memory map.


At the same time it connects the community of individuals that are bereaved by the same loss. When one member of the community explores their memory map, the other Mémori products representing the same individual softly illuminate, letting others know that they are not alone in their feelings of loss.

Daniel Siden is continuing the development of Mémori with the next design iteration finishing at the end of November.

Related: Transgenic Tombstones.