Tiempo de Guerra

Laura Baigorri (who had organised a few months ago the GAME as CRITIC as ART 2.0 workshop and written an amazingly well-documented text about the subject – my rough translation of it: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) has published Tiempo de guerra (War Time), a long list of net.art projects, calls for help, blogs and other online information resources about The World after September 11. The website is in spanish but most of the links lead to english pages.

0doos.jpgThe Middle East Buddy List

I discovered The Middle East Buddy List, the Middle East conflict explained to children. Using a simple and colourful grafic, Christopher Beam and Noam Rudrick illustrate the complex network of alliance and enmity between Hamas, Hezbollah, Israel and Lebanon but also their relationships with al-Qaida, Egypt, the European Union, Iran, Iraq, Palestina, Saudi Arabia, Syria and USA. Only three categories are used: Friend, It’s Complicated and Ennemy.

The second part of Laura’s list mentions similar webpages related to other wars: past, present and future ones.

Particularly worth a mention:

4bombihg.jpgThe Bomb Project

The Bomb Project, an on-line compendium of nuclear-related links, imagery and documentation. It encourages artists working in all media, from net.art, film and video, eco-intervention and site-specific installation to more traditional forms of agitprop, to use it to search for raw material.

The Hiroshima Archive, originally set up to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the atomic bombing, the archive is intended to serve as a research and educational guide to those who want to gain and expand their knowledge of the atomic bombing.

The incredibly beautiful Images of Bombardment by Julián Ã?lvarez recreates the dramatic events that took place in Barcelona during the Civil War. The artistic work is based on historical data and photo documents of the 1938 bombings and on the definitions of the terms “bombardeo”, “bombardear” and “bomba” from the dictionary of the Real Academia Española de la Lengua.

3dosss.jpgImages of Bombardment

The third part of the list is called “otro Bush, otra guerra” (Other Bush, Other War). My recommendations in the list are Antonio Mendoza’s South Beach Disco and ASCII BUSH, an ascii video rendition of two addresses — one delivered by George W. Bush on January 12, 2003 (just before the current Iraqi war); the other by his father, George H.W. Bush, on March 6, 1991 (right after Operation Desert Storm). As the artist writes: The speeches are not edited–just digitally filtered. And like I said, they are very lengthy. ASCII BUSH is definitely boring enough to be interesting!!!

Via sinapsis.dunadigital.