Playful ways to share mobile phone snaps

Yet another IDII thesis project I saw at the Greenhouse Effect show during the Salone del Mobile in Milan.

Bernd Hitzeroth‘s Experiencing Mobile Image project explores new ways to share images on the mobile phone.

A first set of ideas allows to exchange pre-recorded images in real-time during a voice-call with another person.


Through a touch screen interface images are “pushed” and “pulled” to a shared viewing space. The analogue control allows for a variety of gestures, from the quick flashing of images, to rapid firing of image sequences to offering an image to be revealed by the other person.

An image can also be “loaded” by linking it to a gestural shortcut and then “fired” at will.

Another interaction I found particularly interesting allows you to mask or annotate the currently broadcasted image by “shadowing” one’s hand on the part you don’t want the other person to see or a sketch onto the images using the phone’s camera.


A broadcast can be recorded and “bounced” to an offline receiver. When the receiver has finished watching the broadcast he/she can give a gestural response to the content, which is automatically bounced back to the sender.


A second set of ideas explores sharing digital images through physical objects like stickers or concrete walls. The phone becomes the lens through which we can reveal images hidden in the real world. The interactions are prototyped using two connected touch screens as well as a mock camera-phone.