Toycar grownups would love

Louise Wictoria Klinker and Anab Jain (from Interaction Design at the Royal College of Art) both designed the prototype of a fabulous Sketch-a-Move toycar that challenges the creativity of children.


Players can draw on the top of the car the tracks that the toy will have to follow.

For example, if you draw a circle on the toy car, it will move in a circle. If you draw a complicated spiral, the car will move in a spiral.

On top of the toy is a screen made from an analog editable material. Under it, a touch screen allows the stylus like input to be translated into movement by a microprocessor. The movement is performed by 2 solenoids to steer the car and a motor to give the speed.


Have a look at the video and check her other projects (the bicycle Orange Juicer is wonderful.)