Today in Paradise-Genetics and Art

The installation ]Insofern[, by Michel and Andre Decosterd of Cod Act, is a machine that incorporates a mobile scanner with which one can explore a synthetic human brain.

Isolated in a room, a visitor embarks on a visual and acoustic incursion in a animated and translucent universe. As the scanner hovers over the silicone brain, its light beam stimulates areas of the brain, which enter into motion, dilate and produce sounds. The brain releases fragments of information trapped within its tissues, traces of past sensory contacts with the external world.


The work is currently displayed >at the Today in Paradise-Genetics and Art – Mobileart 05 exhibtion in Göteborg, Sweden till April 17. The show features also Biopresence, N55 (who makes great works such as the Snail Shell System), Disembodied Cuisine, etc.

As part of the The Tissue Culture & Art Project, Oron Catts and Ionat Zurr looked at the possibility of growing and eating victimless meat.


In Disembodied Cuisine, they grew frog skeletal muscle over biopolymers for food consumption.

The work culminated in a “feast” in wich volunteers ate (and spat) the semi-living frog steaks. The piece probes the apparent uneasiness people feel when someone “messes” with their food and presents one example of people´s consumption/rejection of new technologies.
