
The MusicCube, a wireless cube-like object, renders more tangible several content attributes of Mp3 music. Play lists, music rhythm, volume, and navigational feedback are communicated via multicolored light.


Users can physically interact with their music collections via the MusicCube using gestures to shuffle music and a rotary dial with a button for song navigation and volume control.

The user can assign a predefined color to a given play list. Shake the cube to activate it: the four color side lights will come on, indicating the cube is ready for interaction. A play list can be selected by placing the color side of the desired play list upwards.
Rotating the top button allows scrolling through the songs in the play list. Shaking the cube activates the shuffle mode. Placing the cube with the top button facing downwards and pressing will “switch off” the device.

By Miguel Bruns Alonso ID StudioLab, Delft University of Technology, PDF presenting the work.

More cubes: Magic cubic movie player, 3D Magic Story Cube, LightCube Rhythm Generator, AudioCubes, Stationsraum fur assimilativen Zahlwitz, loopqoob, interactive dominoes, Karakuri Block, Vodafone Interactive Cube, etc.