Six Muses of Randomness

0micettt6.jpgSix white mice reside among books on logic subjects inside a laboratory cabinet, nibbling on the pages.

As they wander around the AbA Logic installation, they trigger a databank of words connected to electronic boards. The boards make up two sentences of three words each (called AbA-logic statements). Each time a mouse triggers a sensor, a new statement appears. The words (adjectives, adverbs and nouns) are common in logic terminology. The statement that appear are obviously less common.

The statements they are printed as they appear. On AbA’s desk piles of sketches and notes from the process accumulates.


In addition, the mice -through their nibbling- are creating sculptural rephrasing of the books, and produce new combinations of the texts and illustrations from the pages of the books.

A work by Kalle Grude and Jan Løchstøer at AbA / Art by Accident. Coding by Håkon Lindbäck.

Image by Jana Winderen. More pictures: Leonardo Solaas’flickr and Interface and Society.

Related: Gail Wight‘s Rodentia Chamber Music.


The small ensemble of five transparent chamber instruments is inhabited by mice, who “play” them by triggering electronic whisker switches positioned within the instruments.