Robotic weight-loss surgery passes test

Laparoscopic surgery is the most common form of weight-loss intervention. It reduces the size of the stomach to limit the amount of food that it can take. It also bypasses a portion of the small intestine, cutting down on nutrient absorption.

Surgeons from Stanford University School of Medicine have successfully operated robotic arms to perform the weight-loss surgery on obese patients.

Special tools with cameras attached are inserted through small holes in the patient’s body. But instead of being held in the surgeon’s hands, the tools are operated remotely from a control station. The robotic arms also have flexible wrists that can make precise manoeuvres possible.

The surgeons said using the robot was particularly useful as patients were often morbidly obese. The robotic arms are strong enough to stay steady while working under the weight of the patient’s massive abdomen.

Myriam Curet, who developed the method, believes that robotic gastric bypass will become a viable option for patients. “If patients have the opportunity to have it done robotically, they should consider that,” she said.

Via This is London and Health Central.