Party of the day

I’ve just seen the Parrworld exhibition at the Jeu de Paume in Paris. It put me in the best possible mood. Not my first Martin Parr exhibition but this one gets full marks for the amazing display of objects that the artist collects and for the rooms dedicated to the British and international photographers that have influenced Parr’s work. Details about the exhibition will follow with the usual absence of alacrity that has come to characterize my blog. Here’s an appetizer. This one is from The Port Glasgow Book Project by Mark Neville.

0aabetttytyty.jpgBetty at the Port Glasgow Town Hall Xmas Party, 2005. Extrait de la série publiée dans The Port of Glasgow Book Project. Mark Neville (Londres, 1966). © Mark Neville

Previously: Martin Parr retrospective: from fish & chips to mass tourism.