Games have become integral to the mobile phone market

The provider of mobile games In-Fusio conducted a study about the behavioural habits of 400 mobile gamers in France.

It turns out that 60% of those surveyed would like to be a member of a mobile game community which suggests that whilst 88 % choose a game because of its quality, ‘interactivity’ provides an opportunity to develop loyalty and increase revenues.

Female players emerge as three times more likely to consistently download games, however 87 % of them prefer ‘classic’ and ‘evolution’ based games whereas most of the games being developed target the male market (sport, combat, adventure and video game licensed).

Compared to IN-FUSIO’s October 2002 survey, the percentage of gamers that are over 25 has increased from 22 to 36 % confirming that mobile games are not the preserve of the youth market.

33% said that the presence of mobile game was a key criteria for choosing a phone.

Commenting on the findings: Giles Corbett, co-CEO, IN-FUSIO said: “It is clear that games have become integral to the mobile phone market but as the consumer market evolves the industry needs to keep pace with the trends and habits of mobile gamers.”


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