The CCTVme prototype works like an analog �rewall. It protects people’s privacy from outside attacks through the internal video camera.


CCTVme is an acessory that comes with 3 sets of cards. Whenever you feel the need of privacy, you can manipulate what the other person is seing during the video conference by attaching to your videophone the CCTV object and selecting a card to block the caller’s view through your camera into your private space.

You can choose between three sets of cards, each with three images. These sets are divided into different categories that talk about privacy, perplexity and anonymity. The objective is to show the calling person that each video call turns him or her into an attacker or invader of somebody else’s privacy.

More images.
Part of Martin Redigolo‘s Master Thesis at the Merz Akademie: Videophones – Influence, Impact, Future.
I met Martin while i was in Stuttgart last week. I had a great time over there thanks to Axel, Olia, Dragan, Christian, and Myriel.