Automated threat detection object

Limelight , by Eric Paulos, is a personal tactical system that “removes the burden of anxiety associated with our continuous worry of emerging global and local threatening conditions.”

Thanks to embedded sensors, local measurements of radioactivity and RF signals are continuously scanned for hostile patterns. Similarly, remote precursors of threats such as the appearance and frequency of specific keywords and discussions by various military, news, and independent sources are monitored. The collected data is analyzed and summarized as a visual output where various threats are mapped across a spectrum of illumined and pulsing colors.


The system remains in standby mode until a user initiates a session by providing biometric data. A hardware fingerprint recognition system captures the fingerprint data to establish a biometric guarantee of the location of the individual user. This allows for tracking, monitoring, and surveilling of the user during its operation as well as during subsequent uses.

Limelight also initiates a wireless connection with the internet to transmit the fingerprint data back to the central EIU server as well as establish a continuous link to the global network.

The system then initiates its normal operation: the vigilant monitoring of the current state of threat and indicating an awareness of this threat to the local user.

Limelight is part of the he Passage of Mirage exhibition at Chelsea Art Museum, September 14 – October 16.

Via Clippings.