A “specialty store for forgotten private photographs”

0fotototekk.jpgYesterday on the way from the Weimar train station to the Bauhaus University, Christine Hill showed me the lovely project of one of her students, Anke Heelemann.

The Fotothek is a shop that collects, archives and presents lost, private photographs, which have been found at flea markets, in junk-shops or eBay.

Turned into mere bits and pieces of anonymous past lives, these photos have lost their function as an individual source of memory. The project questions the potential value of these pictures outside of their original context.

The pictures collected are not for sale, but passersby are invited to stop by, have a look at the collection and adopt or rent the photographs or even use some of them to transmit image messages.


The shop, located on Karl Liebknecht Straße 10 is curently taking a winter break until spring.

More information in Deutsche Welle.