The Snow Show 2006

The previous Snow Show exhibitions, held in 2003 and 2004, included a total of nineteen structures designed and built from ice and snow.

For the event, one artist and one architect team up to utilize snow and ice as the medium of design and construction.


The Snow Show 2006 takes place in conjunction with the 20th Winter Olympic Games (well, here’s a good reason to stick around during f… Torino2006) to bring examples of cutting-edge contemporary art and architecture to a mainstream audience. Unlike the previous site, which was flat and flanked by a frozen river, the new location, at Sestriere in the Italian alps, has a topography that will allow the seven new projects to take advantage of varied settings, providing different levels for vantage and entrance points for each of the projects.

Besides, the warmer climate will shift the emphasis from monumental pavilions to projects that are more in keeping with the environmental landscape. The primary building material will thus not be snow or ice, but water, as each design will have to take into account the effects of the melting process.

The show will run from Feb till March 20, 2006.

Via dexigner.
Image from the 2004 snow show: Yoko Ono & Arata Isozaki Penal Colony Realization. L’espresso.