Urbanseeder flirting service

Urbanseeder is a flirting service that increases your chance of running again into people you find attractive. Using minimal digital technology, the game plays out unpredictably in real space and tries to preserve the spirit of flirting.


As a member you have a web page in which you enter the events you plan to attend and stickers (“urban seeds”) with unique codes linked to the page. Then you secretely -with the help of friends or bar staff- stick the seeds on the belongings of the person you fancy. He or she will follow the seed to your webpage, imagine you from the events listed and perhaps will attend some of them. You stay anonymous until repeated co-attendance to events may gradually draw you together.


Another version allows a more passive use of the seed. Its code is replaced by a pattern unique to you which can again be printed on stickers but can also be woven into or printed on your clothes or accessories. If someone is interested by you, s/he will take a picture of you with a camera phone, send the pattern to UrbanSeeder and be sent to your page. The game starts again…

By Maya Lotan.