Magic Coloring Wall

This installation is inspired by kids’ magic coloring books, those with a “special” marker that reveals the pages colors when using it on the book’s paper. TwoThingsDotOne, a collaboration between TwoDotOne and TwoThings, allows the public to do the same on a much wider surface and to show everybody in the audience.

magcwll.jpgThe control user (me) marks an area in the camera view (in our case the red brush used by the interacting user), user then starts moving the brush on a projection of an outline-only draw. An object follows the tracked image of the brush, and paints on an image object’s mask, revealing the image’s content and overlaying it to the outline image. this creates an effect of revealing the image on the projection, thus giving the illusion to be “magic painting”.
Via video.

Via Setpixel.