Fighting TV

The Doors of Deception , dubbed electrifying illusions through interactive audio-visual trickery, was the thesis project of Danish Søren Pors at Interaction Design Institute in Ivrea.

This application aims at recreating the illusion produced by the interplay of image and sound of an engrossing movie. But in a more active way.

FREAK TV is a plug-in device (made of a hard drive, TV tuners, sensors, a micro chip controller and a joystick control with a built in mini-cam) for TV sets that enable real-time audio or visual content from different channels to flow together in unexpected ways; while the FIGHT SUIT –two gloves and two leg straps equipped with movement sensors– adds audio and visual effects to physical kicks and punches.

FREAK TV can be played in interactive or automatic mode: image and sound sensors enable real-time editing techniques; imitating the normal TV language to produce surprising effects of insight and creation. The built-in camera allows the possibility of filming an event in the viewer’s world and inserting it as a seamless part of a TV programme. In the FIGHT SUIT, the gamer’s movements are monitored and timed with the appropriate audiovisual effect in a video game, creating an illusion of real immersive combat.


According to its creator, FREAK TV and FIGHT SUIT could have a powerful and positive impact on peoples’ lives and imagination; enabling a shift from passiveness to being the creator of one’s own experimental programmes and experiences.
