
James Law is the chief “cybertect” of a consultancy based in Hong Kong specializing in the design of cybertecture projects.

Cybertecture environments are hybrids designed from the inside out and they rely on technology to give the space intelligence needed to interact with its users. He created the concept in 2001.

Since then, he designed movable shop that service communities on short-term time spans and then move to other locations, a Bricks & Clicks shopping mall that merges the social aspects of the off-line world with the information-processing capacity and playful aspects of the virtual one, thus creating the world’s first walk-through portal.


He’s now designing a “morphable” house in collaboration with IBM in Denmark. This animatronic house can move and reshape its spaces and functions according to the inhabitant’s needs, a dynamic trolley system of rooms and spaces is controlled by a voice recognition cyber character interface that acts as the virtual butler for the house.

His latest cybertecture project in China is the Cybertecture Center of China Telecom that features human presence detection devices, cyber character control and host, infra-red location devices and ear sets, fiber optic projections, home automation devices and animatronics presentations.

And since I intend to go and see the movie this week, I should add that he also worked as a design consultant for 2046, a futuristic Wong Kar Wai film.

Via artFUTURE.