Report from the Blogject Workshop

On February 1st, a workshop organised by Nicolas Nova and Julian Bleecker about Blogjects and the new ecology of things was held in Geneva. The purpose was to discuss usage scenarii of Blogjects, the design issues they raises as well as their significance in various contexts. The description of the scenarios helped us refining what would be the Blogjects features and capabilities.


Nicolas has just posted the report (.pdf, 18.6Mb). It summarizes the topic discussed, presents the main characteristics of Blogjects and four potential scenarios elaborated by the groups formed during the workshop.

Unfortunately i couldn’t make it to the workshop. I would have talked about stuff that would have bored everyone anyway. My idea at some point was to make the blog of my AIBO public. I wouldn’t have been the first to do so of course. But what if i added ads to that blog? What if i had several aibo blogs or object blogs that generate loads of money? At some point it would bring about interest from, say, Sony or the manufacturer of the blogging object. Can we imagine that in the future there will be some disputes about who owns the the blog content? Would i be allowed to keep all the money generated by my blogging slaves? What about the copy rights?

Check also: Manifesto for Networked Objects; Bruce Sterling’s talk at eTech + at Siggraph in 2004 and Anne Galloway’s Internet of things: working bibliography.

Image from flickr tag blogjects.