Mobile learning in South Korea

High school students in South Korea preparing for the college entrance exam will be able “to use personal gadgets to study instead of textbooks on the bus or subway.” Koreaedu, a leading education company, will offer lessons from 12 top lecturers for the College Scholastic Ability Test and students will be able to download them free of charge with a PMP-100.


The all-in-one handheld device allows users to view full-motion video, listen to MP3 music, record voice messages in real time, view still images and play games.

Educational electronic books are also hitting store shelves as Booktopia came out with an e-book containing 15-volume books, seven for humanity majors and the other eight for science and engineering students.

When studying Korean language and English, the e-book supports listening tests without needing cassette tapes thanks to its MP3 functionality.

From The Korea Times, via Smartmobs.
Also Distance learning by mobile in The Feature.