
Kingdom is a colony of robots placed on an inaccessible ledge. Viewers are allowed to view the specimens in their natural habitat but are physically unable to interfere with their work.


The artist tries to explore the possible reaction of viewers towards the installation. Some might feel voyeuristic as if peeping in on a nest of baby birds. Because of slight modifications of each robot that cause differences in weight and movement, viewers might even personify the robots and bestow individual qualities for each. Possible sympathetic instincts will also arise.

Some might enjoy the piece, while others might be angered by the idea of robots being created for mere self preservation. Even if someone manages to destroy the entire colony, other secret colonies will ensure that the kingdom lives out its own destiny aside from humanity.

Through the robots we can see our own hedonistic lives of collection and waste. Because of this, the piece will speak towards developed countries and will be of little value to peoples who are unfamiliar with contemporary technology. It will be especially effective with
artists interested in the realm of robotics as well as Darwinists. But anyone who is willing to experience a reflection on our own evolutionary bias’s and beliefs will be pleasantly surprised by the piece.

Artist: Jamie Kaiser, Ryerson University, School of Image Arts, Toronto, Ontario.
Via The Petri Dish.