[dorkbot Tokyo #000004, the flyer]
The 4th Dorkbot Tokyo (or TΩKYΩ) is taking place on March 8 (Open 7PM, Start 7:30PM) in Roppongi (see the map). As usual, the program looks very interesting. Since it’s in Japanese, here’s a quick list of the speakers/performers.
Kanagawa Densih Gijutsu Kenkyusho (Kanagawa Electronics Technology Lab) – They make unique original games based on retro games.
Eiji Morikawa and Yoshito Ohgami from Kabushikigaisya Hori (Hori, Inc.) – they developed unique devices like periBorg, which may appeal to gamers who want to snack on while gaming.
Hideyuki Ando, Junji Watanage, and Taro Maeda, who developed Vestibular Stimulation, an audio device that directly stimulates vestibular sensation with electric signals.
Live music performances by Motallica – two guys playing drums and mobile speaker boxes, Kota Masumoto who plays screaming guitar piano sampler drums, and A.K.I., a geek’n’cool D.J.
There’s also a time slot for 5 minute presentations – anyone who wants to present can send her name, email and abstract to dorkbottokyo [at] dorkbot [dot] org before the date of the event.
By the way, Georg Tremmel wrote a nice summary of Dorkbot Tokyo #000003 in English if you haven’t seen it already.
– dorkbot Tokyo Taking Off
– Dorkbot #000002 Tokyo