Flat light

Can’t believe that it was only last month that i was in London to blog the RCA Summer Show. Finn Magee graduated from Design ProductsPlatform 8 with a series of lights that i found fascinating. They reminded me of Paper Clock by rAndom international*.

000aflatli21.jpg0aaflatli2.jpgFlat Light (image on the left courtesy of the designer)

LED in the poster illuminate the printed lamp or alarm clock. Finn bought standard electronic components off the internet and then mounted them behind posters, letting the light come through.

What were the challenges you met while working on the project?

It was really interesting trying to find the right objects for the portraits. All the products I used were similar to the cheap electronics that were around my house as I was growing up. Other than that I just tried to keep the whole product as simple as possible, letting the paper do the work to hold the cables running behind the poster and staying away from using picture frames or any custom parts as I want them to be easy to produce and buy.

Any plans to develop the lights further or market them?

The Flat Light is in development with Artemide, which has been a pretty interesting experience. Some UK design companies have approached me regarding the Flat Time Clock, which is positive, as I kind of prefer this project and wanted to get it into production.

0aaaaaaaaaclockar.jpg0aaooooooo2.jpgFlat Time and CV Water (both images courtesy of the designer)

Finn was also showing some CV Water bottles. The project investigate advertising techniques of surprise, juxtaposition and saturation. These ad-objects aim to question our interaction with the images we consume.

What about the water bottles?

The water bottles are tied in with my other projects as they all explore advertising techniques of surprise and subversion. So instead of giving out business and postcards I decided to sell my contact details, by including them in something that people need, Water! Unfortunately the aircon worked really well in the tent so people weren’t as thirsty as I hoped, but I cleared most of them anyway!

Thanks Finn!

* (Hannes Koch from rAndom is running the platform together with Gabriel Klasmer btw.)