License to seat

Steve Mann ‘s Seating License is an internet chair with magnetic stripe card reader and spikes that retract when you slide your credit card into a slot on the chair to download a “License to Sit”.


The chair illustrates what Mann calls deconomics, the sabotage economics.

You don’t buy the chairs. You instead buy the seating. Likewise, “pay per wear” clothing could also save money.
Deconomics makes economic sense. So much sense that it’s ridiculous!

If you look at this on purely economic grounds with cold calculations you’re missing the human element. Deconomics also provides for chip implants. Those without implants remain standing indefinitely.

Thanks Rheinhold!

In the chairs series: Communicating via chairs, How to have fun with a simple Ikea chair, Zizi the Affectionate Couch, Wearables for everyday objects, Heartbeat monitoring armchair and shirt, Remote furniture.

ANyone has heard of others?