Temporal : The Art of Stephan Doitschinoff

The Scion Space teamed up with Choque Cultural Gallery to set up São Paulo, an exhibition that celebrates the emerging art culture in the Brazilian city.

The artists invited are Calma, Carlos Dias, MZK, Ramon Martins, Silvana Mello, Speto, Titi Freak and Zezão. Their work blends street art, tattoo, fashion, skateboarding and other forms of contemporary urban culture with their personal heritage and research.


The show closed a couple of days ago. So why am i telling you about it? First because that’s exactly what i tend to do these days, it takes me ages to get exhibitions online. But more importantly, the gallery was screening a lovely documentary: Temporal : The Art of Stephan Doitschinoff (aka Calma).

Having this dream of painting a whole town, Calma traveled to Lençóis and started asking villagers if he could paint murals onto their houses. He soon ended up painting the inside of a chapel and even tombstones in the cemetery.

Images of the opening on the Scion website and i uploaded mine over here.