Brilliant networking tool

In a nutshell, BuZZone Pro key is a PDA-based wireless communication system that allows for communication in different formats, including chat, forums, push-to-talk and voice.

– First, you create your personal profile (interests, personal or business information, including photo and voice messages).
– To share them with other users, you define the criteria for people you want to make contact with.
– Wherever you are, at a trade show, in a subway, at in a nightclub, BuZZone Pro will be looking for other BuZZone Pro users located nearby.

Users can set up forums or send messages and start topics in the existing forums. The system will broadcast the message to all available devices, which, in turn, will retranslate it to other PDAs, thus extending the Bluetooth coverage area.

Possibility of telephone communication for free at small distance with a microphone and speakers built in your PDA.

Check their Website, you can download a 30-day demo.

Found in Geekzone.