Welcome sascha!

As some of you might know i’ll move to Berlin as soon as the winter ends. To learn german, i’m now watching DVDs of Die Stadt, der Sex und die Frauen with subtitles.

But this is not a piece of Apfelkuchen and i still can’t understand webpages written in german. So i asked Sascha if he could blog on wmmna some stories about the new media art scene in Germany.

64825491_e164e82c8f.jpgSascha is a new media artist (i blogged some of his works previously: echo, fixr, flickr mirror, Eavesdripping, have a look at his other works), he likes micro-bikes, sophisticated chocolate, takes great pictures (see above) wherever he goes, plus he has wifi at home so i crash at his place when i’m in Berlin.

Thanks Sascha!