2,000 Talmud tapes, or one loaded iPod

The Daf Yomi is a seven-and-a-half-year cycle of Talmud learning. Participants study a page a day of this compendium of Jewish oral law, culminating in a celebration, known as the Siyum HaShas.

But how do you study a 2,711-page book when you have to commute?
With the ShasPod.


For $399, Yehuda Shmidman sends his customers a 20-gigabyte iPod loaded with Talmud lectures. That is $100 above the price of an iPod alone.

“We created this because of two glaring trends,” the entrepreneur said. “One is the iPod, and the other is the Siyum HaShas, which is something so incredible that when it happens you obviously want to join the next cycle.”

MP3 audio files of Daf Yomi lectures have long been available online. But many ultra-Orthodox Jews refrain from using the Web for purposes unrelated to work, so they have no way of downloading these files.

Via Antonio The New York Times.