I am attending O’Reilly’s Where 2.0 conference about the geo location software like Google Earth
, PlaceSite and Platial
A lot of technical terms I am not that familiar and lots of standards that are under scrutiny still, so the geo location software is still in its infancy. I found one map very interesting because of the feedback it has generated on the user content.
The Jacktracker where users are generating waypoints of the locations Jack Bauer have been during each episode. The website running the map have actually gotten some very upset producer from Fox calling about taking down the map since the updating of The Jacktracker is so pin point that people are starting to guess plotlines for the next episode based on the Jack cliffhanger location at the end of each episode.
The Jacktracker have also revealed another flaw in the supposedly real time one hour episode since the time of travel between each location are way beyond the possible speed of a human operated vehicle.