
Terrariais a graphical and tangible interface for children. It synthesizes performance and editing in the context of exhibitions.


Terraria consists of four landscapes with robots to play with, a video camera and a joystick. The system captures movie segments, voice over, and offers real-time video and robotic sound effects. You can record sounds and visuals, and apply real time effects using a joystick. If you’re satisfied with the movie, it is projected in the exhibition space, and contributes to a diaporama of the visitors’ movies.

Terraria has been created by Cati Vaucelle (concept, software, hardware and interaction design), Michael John Gorman (concept, interaction design), Andrew Clancy (sculpture of the Terraria landscapes, interaction design), Matt Karau (camera mount) and Brendan Tangney (advision).

Currently at the Save the Robots exhibition in Dublin.
PDF presenting the project.