Podcast. Episode 6: Evan Roth on internet submarine cables, ideologies embedded in landscapes and connecting without interacting

Evan Roth is the guest of the sixth episode of the podcast series I did with artists who 1. are among my absolute cultural heroes and 2. have exhibited at Aksioma Institute for Contemporary Art in Ljubljana.

Evan Roth, Strand 47, 2022

For the past 19 years, Evan Roth has been making work in art institutions, in public spaces and on the internet, resulting in paintings, installations, videos and websites. Based in Berlin, Roth creates work through the misuse of tools and materials to empower and challenge our perceptions of typically unseen aspects of the systems that surround us. 

I’ve been following Evan’s work for many years. I was already a fan at the time he co-founded the Graffiti Research Lab with James Powderly. In 2007, Roth also co-founded the much missed Free Art and Technology Lab (F.A.T. Lab), a collective of artists, scientists and lawyers who developed works that merged irony, critique and open source technology.

In this episode, we talked about his adventures to find and film the coastal sites where the internet submarine cables reach the land, sharing and connecting in online space without interacting, slowness and speed, ideologies embedded in landscapes, etc.

I hope you enjoy the episode!

Evan Roth, Strands, 2022. Photo by Paolo Rolando Guerzoni, courtesy of Fondazione Modena Arti Visive

Evan Roth, Landscapes series, 2016 – 2020, Network located videos. Photo: Joshua Citarella, courtesy Carroll/Fletcher

Evan Roth, Red Lines. London, August 2018

Previous podcast episodes: Tactics&Practice [podcast]: The Future Behind Us. Episode 1, Trevor Paglen, Episode 2, Nora Al-Badri, Episode 3, UBERMORGEN, Episode 4, Jill Magid, Episode 5, Paolo Pedercini.

Tactics&Practice [podcast]: The Future Behind Us was produced for PXXP•XXV: Speculation and Decay, the programme curated by Aksioma for the 25th edition of Pixxelpoint – International Festival of Contemporary Art Practices which will take place in Nova Gorica/Gorica on 7 to 17 November 2024.