Ping pong robots

You love to play table tennis, but have no partner? Just install Butterfly Amicus 3000 , the table tennis robot, at the other end of the table. It offers drills and advanced game and can send you up to 100 balls/min.

$2,300, curbside shipping included.


Via Nanoblog.

Not sure it will get the same success as…
Niklas Roy ‘s Pongmechanik , 3D version of the “Pong” computer game, has just won the Viper festival in Basel (Switzerland). The graphic elements “ball” and “player” move between the sheet glass of a table structure. Joysticks provide an interface for the two players. A computer conveys the commands to mechanical turntables and connecting cords, and this starts game moving.

Pongmechanik will be at the Transmediale festival in Berlin. (2/4 – 2/8/2005)