Two weeks ago, Thad Anderson, a second-year student from New York, has launched a website using the peer-to-peer technology to reveal Washington’s inner, secretive workings.
Outragedmoderates has aggregated more than 600 government and court documents — ranging from quotes on Bush’s politic to recent torture memos or a copy of a no-bid contract obtained by a Halliburton subsidiary for work in Iraq– to make them available for download through the Kazaa, LimeWire and Soulseek P2P networks in the interest of making government more transparent and accountable.
“I really think this is a crucial point, during my lifetime, for people to really look at what’s going on with the government and make it be more accountable for what it’s doing,” declared Thad Anderson . “The president and vice president have used executive privilege to withhold documents that almost every president for the last 30 or 40 years has released.”
From Wired.