GAME as CRITIC as ART. 2.0. (Part V)

Last episode of Laura Baigorri’ essay for GAME as CRITIC as ART. 2.0. (see Part I, II, III and IV.)


In one of her PDF , Laura Baigorri recommended also the following games:
Rethinking wargames that “uses the game of chess to find strategies that challenge existing power structures and their concomitant war machineries”,
UnderAsh and UnderSiege “is about the modern history of Palestine and it focuses on the lives of Palestinian family between 1999-2002 during the second Intifada. All levels are based on true stories.”
Crosser and La Migra simulate opposing points of view on the Rio Grande (more details),
Stone Throwers, “in dedication to the Palestinians who have died in the nearly three months of clashes with the Israeli army.”
The Great Game, a daily record of Enduring Freedom as a 3d terrain map of the Afghanistan region,
Tropical America: your journey begins as the sole survivor of a terrible massacre – you must find four pieces of evidence to bring justice to the memory of your small village.

Diffusion and investigation

Water Cooler Games, Opensorcery, Molleindustria, Selectparks, Persuasive Games.

Shows: Breaking and Entering: Art and the Video Game and re:Play.