Thanks Kottke

Thank you Kottke for being braver than me (via Jason Calcanis Weblog):

“ ruminates about Google building a collection of tools that serve as a replacement OS. Where have we heard that recently? You’re welcome for the story idea and thanks for the non-link, guys…tech journalism at its finest. I hereby institute a policy of not linking to you for a year.
Michael via email: “please tell me you were kidding”. Well, mostly yes, particularly about the no link policy thing (it’s actually going to be two years).”

Well, one could say they are journalists, they are not used to link to blogs, or to give any credit to their source. Linking to a blog? How squalid! But see, these guys at Cnet also have several blogs and guess what? Even there they don’t link to the stories they find in other blogs. And when you write them to complain about it (because you know the story comes from you: you met the designer, asked for new pics and details that are not online yet), they don’t even bother to answer.

Mind you, their colleagues at CNet Asia do a much better job at linking to bloggers. So there’s some hope, isn’t there?